IMPORTANT: Membership in NARTS is individual, NOT by store or organization. If any registrant is not personally a member, you must register as a Non Member or use our convenient online membership applications to join. You can process the membership application and then immediately register for the seminar at the discounted member rates.

Store Information:

Store Name: *
Address: *
City: *
State / Province: *
Zip / Postal Code *
Phone: *

Registration Fees  

Member Registration @ $199.00
Non Member Registration @ $219.00
Resale Shop Bus Tour @ $60.00
First Attendee Name: *
First Attendee Email: *
2nd Attendee Name:
2nd Attendee Email:
3rd Attendee Name:
3rd Attendee Email:
Enter Name(s) and Email(s) of Additional Attendees. Separate each name/email by a common:

If you have a disability and may require accommodation to fully participate please indicate here. You will be contacted by NARTS. Special accommodation needs must be submitted by October 11, 2024 to assure that we can accommodate you.

Disability: *

If you have a special dietary need, please indicate here. You will be contacted by NARTS. Special dietary needs must be submitted by October 21, 2024.

Dietary: *
IF you selected special dietary needs above AND registered more than one attendee... please enter name(s) of special meal attendee(s). IF you selected "Medical Restrictions" please explain.
You MUST read and accept the NARTS Seminar & Cancellation Policies before completing this application. *

Clear Selection

Your registration may not be authorized or may be delayed if your billing address/zip code does not match the one on your credit card statement.

Billing Street Address *
Billing Zip Code *

Payment Information

Amount to Charge :
Payment Method:


Fields marked with * are required.

Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.