Guide To Opening A Resale Shop
THE Step-by-Step Handbook of Resale Reality
Members $30.00
Non Members $45.00
Written by Adele Meyer, an Industry Expert with over 35 years of first-hand resale experience and knowledge! Don't rely on authors who "interviewed resale owners" or have only a few years experience for your important information. Buy the book written by one of the most influential people in the industry!
A Classic No Resaler Should Be Without!
Your Best Source of Information for OPENING & OPERATING a Resale Shop
Always wanted to be your own boss?
Turn your dream into reality!
As consumer interest in resale increases, more and more people are opting to open their own resale shops.
♦ Do you Love the resale industry?
♦ Perhaps you got hooked with that first fantastic buy?
♦ Are you ready to be on "the other side of the counter?"
You would love to own a resale store. You think you are ready to take the plunge—to be your own boss. Where do you start? You probably have a hundred questions...and we have the answers!
The Guide To Opening A Resale Shop provides a practical framework for entering this low start-up cost industry. We have outlined the steps to starting a business and addressed the issues specific to this industry. Just some of the topics covered within these pages are:
- Location
- Store Layout
- Store Policies
- Dealing with Suppliers
- Pricing Your Merchandise
- Consignment Guidelines and Contracts...including worksheets & samples
Plan for your success. Start off on the right foot by doing your "homework!" Many resale shops don't survive that critical first year because they had no idea where to begin or what to expect. Entrepreneurs who do their research go from start-up to success! The Guide To Opening A Resale Shop is an excellent first step in the right direction. It gives essential advice on how to become part of this thriving industry. (92 pages)
Who better to help you than NARTS...
Nobody Understands Resale Like We Do!
Statistics for $uccess!
Members $49.00
Non Members $89.00
Some questions are too difficult to ask your peers...
So we asked for you!
What are your net sales?
What are your profits?
How much do you spend on rent, advertising and payroll?
The answers give you a competitive edge—whether you are just starting out, or a seasoned resale veteran. We have given great attention to detail, addressing the issues important to both profit and not for profit businesses. We have included separate reports specific to the needs of each. The overall goal of the survey is to provide facts and figures that will enable resale professionals to better manage their businesses and to assist those entering the industry.
Perhaps you need to adjust your spending or increase your advertising. Would a different location increase your profits? Do you need figures to help you obtain that lease? Maybe you are just beginning and need reliable information for a business plan, loan, line of credit or financial projections. Operating Survey 2015 is the most valuable tool available to assist you with your occupational decisions. Included is an analysis of today's trends with data comparing previous survey results. This report is comprehensive, simple to use and easy to understand. You do NOT have to be a financial expert to benefit from this information.
Gain important insights into your business:
- Evaluate your position in the industry.
- Control expenses and plan cash flow.
- Manage inventory and improve profits.
- Detect early warnings of financial difficulties.
- Pinpoint strong and weak points of your business.
Operating Survey 2015 is the definitive source of benchmarking information and in-depth analysis for resalers. The most current data available from the Resale Industry’s only formal statistical report...compiled, tabulated and prepared by Industry Insights, Inc., a professional survey research firm headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. (60 pages)
Getting Started Special
Members: $68.00
Non Members: $114.00
This package includes the following products:
Guide To Opening A Resale Shop
Operating Survey 2015
All this at 15% OFF...Plus a FREE BONUS
Tips & Tricks of the Trade—a four page publication only available with this special package!
TV Commercials...Resale Style
A Collection of Creativity
Members $10.00
Non Members $15.00
Sometimes, seeing what other people have done ignites a spark of creativity that gives you new ideas for your own shop. Sharing TV commercials generates a great deal of interest at Conference every year. So, we have gathered a collection of commercials from our members and are proud to introduce—TV Commercials...Resale Style.
Anyone producing a commercial—whether your first or your tenth—will benefit from viewing various techniques and styles used by other resalers. This collection of creativity is intended to help you decide what you like and what you don't—what you think will work for you and what won't. The DVD is indexed so you can easily note and return to those commercials you are interested in seeing again or showing to your production company.
As an added benefit, we included a montage with snippets of commercials that feature special techniques and styles. Preceding each example is a title page pointing out the features. This will familiarize you with terminology you can use to communicate with your production company.
The DVD contains 77 commercials and is 52 minutes long. However, we're not done yet! Packaged with the DVD is our booklet filled with tips on planning and producing an effective commercial, a member's story of how she created her store commercial, plus much more practical information on TV advertising.